Prairie Wind Casino & Hotel is dedicated to provide a gambling addiction free environment. Please consult our information on gambling addictions.
If you think you or someone you know may have a gambling problem, call the toll-free Problem Gambling HELPline at 1.888.781.4357
- Preoccupied with gambling and unable to stop
- Bragging about gambling, exaggerating wins and minimizing losses
- Restless and irritable when not gambling
- Gambling to win back what you’ve lost
- Borrowing money for gambling
- Lying to hide time spent gambling or unpaid debts
- Frequent unexplained absences
- Losing work time because of gambling
- Jeopardizing a significant relationship or job by gambling
A problem gambler doesn’t necessarily need to “hit bottom” to decide to get help. If someone you know is gambling for more than fun, they may have a problem. Talking to them can seem scary, but they need you to have courage. Here are some ways to begin the conversation:
- Find a comfortable place to talk where you won’t be disturbed
- Keep it simple and straightforward
- Tell the person exactly what he or she’s done that concerns you
- Tell the person how his or her behavior is affecting other people – and be specific
- Be clear about what you expect from him or her
- After you’ve told the person what you’ve seen and how you feel, allow him or her to respond. Listen with a nonjudgmental attitude.
- Give the other person information, not advice. Encourage him or her to call a problem gambling helpline.
- If you are the spouse or family member of a problem gambler, it is important for you to take care of yourself and realize that you’re not responsible for the gambler’s behavior. Even if your loved one isn’t ready or willing to get help, you may want to call a problem gambling helpline.
- Problem gambling is not a bad habit or a moral weakness. It is a serious condition, but with treatment, problem gamblers can put the game in perspective and make decisions to improve their lives.
(Adapted from materials provided by the National Council on Problem Gambling)